NEW Artstamp


On the occasion of Marianne Hesselbjerg's 75th birthday. A series of 32 stamps is published which shows many of Marianne's Hesselbjerge masterpieces from the 80s onwards. the entire sheet is printed in an edition of 50, and will be published on May 1th. 

Marianne Hesselbjerg

Edition  1260, (30 print sheets)

+24 FDC. sign

Published 7.2.2024

Lars Schwander

Titled: Martin Kippenberger 1996/2023


Published 6.6.2023


Mar6n Kippenberger (1953-1997) was undoubtedly one of the greatest German painters of the 20th century. On October 25th 1996 I had an agreement of a photographic session with him through Galerie Mikael Andersen, Bredgade, Copenhagen. The day before we were four people for dinner at l'Educa6on Na6onale, a French restaurant in what is popularly called "The Piss Drain" at the centre of the city. It became very late. We sat and drank red wine un6l the restaurant closed. Before that, Kippenberger had shown some of the tricks he knew, i.a. with twis6ng his tongue... When we were out on the street at night, I asked if we s6ll had an appointment the following day. And he replied that there were no problems. Whatsoever.

The next day, exactly at 10, as we had agreed, the door opened and in came Kippenberger wearing his matching Burberry cap and scarf and a long black coat. And in his hand he held the obviously obligatory cigare]e. He exuded a rare authority. I asked him to stand in front of a white wall like we were in a studio. And we did pictures in front of his pain6ngs, which were s6ll stored along one wall. The mo6fs of his pain6ngs were primarily tables and chairs, so I subsequently asked Kippenberger to sit in a chair, both against the white wall (again), in front og the already hung pictures as well as a series where he partly stands in front of his pain6ngs and sits in the chair that I had placed in front of his pictures. In this way, Kippenberger reflects in a chair in front of his painted chairs


One of his long-term collaborators, Chris6ne Hahn of the all female punk group Malaria!, who also helped set up the large retrospec6ve Kippenberger exhibi6on, "sehr gut / very good" in Hamburger Barnhof, Berlin, 2013, has stated:

How long before Mar6n died were these taken? He looks very haunted. Starkly real, strong, and sad - all at the same 6me. I knew him and worked with him when he was 25 and just beginning his career as a serious ar6st. He was so handsome and alive, but even then he was a slave to alcohol. He was a driven ar6st, a generous human being. Very lovable and inspiring

We did these pictures at the end of October 1996, barely five months passed before Kippenberger died in Vienna. These are also some of the latest recordings of him. It's strange to look back at these photographs: Kippenberger appears here in his ar6s6c zenith and only 43 years old. At the same 6me he seems both young and old.

We did in total three rolls of film consis6ng of twelve images each: two black and white films and one colour. A total of 36 photographs, all of which have now been acquired by Galleri Stalke Collec6on, which is also the first 6me that the photographs have been created in their en6rety. Some pictures have been exhibited in Denmark and abroad, e.g. at the Na6onal History Museum, Frederiksborg Castle - in Galerie Mikael Andersen (Copenhagen, 2001), Galerie Veneuille St.-Péres (Paris, 2001) and in Ural Vision Gallery (Budapest, 2016).

Lars Schwander is among others represented in following collec6ons: Bibliothèque Na6onale (Paris), The Royal Library (Copenhagen), Musée de la photographie (Charleroi), Museum of Photographic arts (Odense), Ros Photo (St. Petersburg), Louis Vui]on Founda6on (Paris), Thomas Olbricht Collec6on (Germany), Lenono Photo Archive (New York), Stalke Gallery (Kirke Saaby), various private collec6ons in Europe and USA.